Saturday, October 18, 2008

I am convicted.

Everything that I do, think, and experience is mine, I own it, and no one
can take it away from me. 

That being said, the spiritual path, I believe,
has to do with awakening parts of you that still slumber.  Those parts of me
that I am not in conscious awareness of are mine and I'm going to go get
them.  Whatever is the source that is keeping "knowing" from me will become
my partner in exploration and will give way to my seeking.  That's what will

When I lose consciousness at night when going to sleep, no more,
that consiousness is mine.  When we cannot remember our dreams, no more,
those dreams are mine.  When I cannot have control of my etheric
consciousness and participate in that Focus when I want, no more, those
focal points are mine.  If I want to leave my body, I will.  When I want to
rid myself of negative thoughts, I will.  When I want to shower the world
with all the compassion and understanding I can muster, when I want to see
the face of God in every individual, when I want to hear the symphonic
tolling of the bantering of flowers in the breeze, when the
counterproductive part of myself decides to participate in productivity, I

I am over the waiting.  This is mine and only mine.  And because I
know this, God will giveth.  I am convicted.

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