Saturday, October 18, 2008

The distribution of wealth

The distribution of wealth is unbalanced, thats obvious when glancing at the numbers.  Political influence and legislation doesn't necessarily favor the rich (in general terms), but the market definately does (not that there's anything wrong with that, its just the way it is).  I'm not saying it has to be balanced, I'm saying that policy should designed to influence the balance between classes.

You mentioned the need for greater structure.  More structure means better management.  Better management means more funds.  More funds means higher taxes.

I am a vegitarian.

The man who bloodies his hands I believe has the capacity for MUCH more respect for the life he is taking.  I think generally speaking, society has no respect for the life that gives us sustainance.  We call fat people we don't like cows, we call cops we don't like pigs, we call wimps we don't like chickens.  There is no respect.

Hunter's have proven to be valued stewards of the environment.  The have begun to align with environmental organizations in a last ditch effort to conserve the dwindling natural lands still left.  With proper land management, they play a vital role in helping keep balance (since we have all but eradicated the land's natural predators).

I am a vegitarian.  Eating meat runs in direct conflict with the respect I have for God's creations.

I'll show you a solution

If you believe population is causing a problem, please let me know what that problem is and
I'll show you a solution.  Problem is, no one wants to sacrifice in order to fix the problem!  You'll send me stuff saying this is wrong, I'll send you stuff saying this is how to fix it, you'll send me stuff saying "you can't expect everyone to give up eating fish and meat." and you won't do it. Round and round we go until there is not enough left to sustain our growing population.  Then what?  If, like you stated, population is the problem with just over 6 billion people, what are we going to do, better yet what are your children going to do, in 2050 when population is expected to be 9-11 billion?  We are sitting here denying or giving excuses for not doing something about what's going on today and our kids are going to be left wondering how the hell we didn't see it coming.  Population is the problem and it will double in our lifetime and the majority of the population is willing to sacrifice nothing.  We need to start to implement sustainable practices now before it is too late.  If that means cutting our meat consumption in half, then we should do it.

Not that this matters, cause you'll just say "they have to say that in order to continue their grants and funding" and completely write-off the MASSIVE amount of research pointing to disaster, but here goes... (A majority of the Nobel Prize laureates in the sciences signed this
document; about 1,700 of the world's leading scientists appended their signature.)  "Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and
animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision our present course will bring about.

Our massive tampering with the world's interdependent web of life-coupled with the environmental damage inflicted by deforestation, species loss, and climate change-could trigger widespread adverse effects, including unpredictable collapses of critical biological systems whose interactions and dynamics we only imperfectly understand.

Uncertainty over the extent of these effects cannot excuse complacency or delay in facing the threat.

We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it, is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be
irretrievably mutilated. "

When they mention human misery, the are referring to our kids.  This is only one example of the concerns our scientific community have.  This was written 16 years ago and stewardship has only gotten worse.

People do not have to eat meat.  What makes you say that?  I don't eat meat... haven't for over seven years now.  There is nothing wrong with my health.  I get gotten a head to toe physical once a year for the past 6 years with my job.  Every year the doctors tell me that whatever I'm doing, keep doing it.  They don't even question whether I eat meat or not.  I take no vitamin supplements what-so-ever and year after year my blood work comes back flawless.  No meat, no fish, not 1 bite.  Meanwhile, my fellow meat-eaters are constantly struggling with proper diet, cholesterol and weight gain.

Wholeness / Seperateness

Wholeness is as much of an illusion as seperateness.  The recognition of wholeness requires, in the least, the contemplation of there being a "seperate", for without seperation the definition of something being or becoming whole is incomplete.  Therefore, because God knows what it is to be One and is seeking the experience of being seperate, our goal as being on a spiritual path would be twofold.  First, we become enlightened to a point where we can recognize that there is a One who is complete and whole, and second is to recognize that you were created because this One desires the experience of being incomplete and partial.

In the creative process (the process which attempts to bring unique experiences about, the process of seperation and reflection) I would think the goal is to have UNIQUE ongoing experiences of being "other" in order to experience and reflect on "self" in an attempt to know yourself and therefore know God (your reflection is God's reflection of God-self in an attempt to know himself and therefore know You.  You, in your uniqueness and wholeness are a microcosm of God pursuing self discovery, self discovery being the method in which God is experiencing himself through duality and seperateness, which are the tools you are using to discover your true self). 

Now, because the One desires this experience and this reflection - seperateness, our goal should not be to shatter this game that was created by him, but to become enlightened enough to recognize the One and fulfill his desire of experiencing this self as seperate and reflect upon your
experiences while reflecting on the God-gift of your uniqueness, knowing that that uniqueness is inherant in the attributes of God and cannot be destroyed.  In other words, rejoice in the experience of being alive and unique and meditate on its significance in relation to everything else (the Whole).

Uniqueness is also something that should not be ignored because uniqueness is a reflection of being whole which is an attribute of the One.  Being unique means being like no other, being only One.  Reflecting on our uniqueness give us the power to reflect on an attribute of God while still
being seperate.  It sums up this method of self discovery.

The danger is in going too far one way or the other.  The game is the play between polarity, between opposites.  Remove an opposite and reflection and experience falls away, creation ceases to exist.

It is all  about creation, the experience of that creation, reflection of the experience of that creation, the recognition of the gift to God this experience is in his/your journey of self discovery, and finally, the role that "gift of reflection" of the experience of that creation plays in bringing about more creation, which in turn creates new experience, which creates new reflection, which creates new gifts, which creates more self discovery, which creates new creation, which creates new experience, which creates new reflection, which creates new gifts, which creates more self  
I wanted to point out
something... "It is all  about creation, the experience of that
creation, reflection of the experience of that creation, the recognition of the gift to God this
experience is in his/your journey of self discovery, and finally, the role that "gift of reflection" of the experience of that creation plays in bringing about more creation."

I think one could probably place themselves somewhere along that line of experience and reflection.  Wait this just came to me...

Density 1:  The rocks, minerals, and gases (creation)
Density 2:  The plant and animal world (experiencers of the creation)
Density 3:  The animal and human world (the capability of spirital reflection)
Density 4:  The spiritually enlightened human (humans who recognize their gift to God)
Density 5:  The spiritually enlightened humans as creators of their world (creators bringing about more creation)
Density 6:  The creators spiritually assisting the experiencers of their creation (spirit guides)
Density 7:  The assistances helping spirit guides become creators (spiritual creators)
Density 8:  The manifestors helping creators create another Density 1 (these are the entities that manifest creation from the potential)

All creation is personal, everything created is based in personality (consiousness).  These personalities make their way through the densities, gathering more and more experience, towards self realization (final merging with GOD) where they will make the decision to annhilate and become 1 with GOD or continue the game, stay seperate and create more worlds, bringing
more gifts to GOD.  This is just the physical portion of the game.  There are an infinate amount of games.  Graduation of one game or octave (density 8) makes you capable of entering another game which may be TOTALLY different, add infinity.

It's all good!

The characteristics of a graduated ego may be seen transformed and seemlessly incorporated with other forms of definition of self and group, making it difficult to recognize there's an ego in there at all (even though there is).

As a society, we currently are compartmentalizing attributes of the human psyche, ego (service to self) being one of those attributes.  What we find with a transformed ego is not the elimination or neutralization or death of the attributes of any of these compartments (one of them being the ego), but the elimination or neutralizaton or death of the walls between compartments.  We find that the percieved negative qualities of the ego, such as service to self, isolation, individualization, seperation, and the dualistic nature of ego, can be put to good use when it is combined with service to others, cooperation, compromise, inclusion, and the principles of unity, etc.  The lines or compartments start to become blurred: "in my wanting to help or even save a stranger even if it means the sacrifice of me... is this just ego-gratification, or is it the disolving of ego, I can no longer tell the difference, they are becoming one-in-the-same."   It is not the death of the ego, but the evolution of it. 

In your path towards service-to-others, stop trying to define the ego in its present definition.
Maybe we are truly graduated when we recognize that service-to-others and service-to-self are one-in-the-same. 

Everything good that I do for the group (service-to-others) is good for me (service-to-self).
Don't forget, EVERYTHING is a microcosm of God, a piece of God that contains the whole of God.  Everything good that I do for the group (for God) is good for me (for God).
It's all good!

I am convicted.

Everything that I do, think, and experience is mine, I own it, and no one
can take it away from me. 

That being said, the spiritual path, I believe,
has to do with awakening parts of you that still slumber.  Those parts of me
that I am not in conscious awareness of are mine and I'm going to go get
them.  Whatever is the source that is keeping "knowing" from me will become
my partner in exploration and will give way to my seeking.  That's what will

When I lose consciousness at night when going to sleep, no more,
that consiousness is mine.  When we cannot remember our dreams, no more,
those dreams are mine.  When I cannot have control of my etheric
consciousness and participate in that Focus when I want, no more, those
focal points are mine.  If I want to leave my body, I will.  When I want to
rid myself of negative thoughts, I will.  When I want to shower the world
with all the compassion and understanding I can muster, when I want to see
the face of God in every individual, when I want to hear the symphonic
tolling of the bantering of flowers in the breeze, when the
counterproductive part of myself decides to participate in productivity, I

I am over the waiting.  This is mine and only mine.  And because I
know this, God will giveth.  I am convicted.

Are you voting democrat or republican?

I'm voting Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.  I'm voting Republican because I own a gun, and to increase local taxes in order to put more cops in my neighborhood, or to give those cops a decent salary is unnecessary.  I can do it myself!

I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my horse.  I'm voting republican because homosexuality is a choice people make, and a poor one at that, and THOSE people do not deserve the benefits befit a God-abiding couple.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. 
I voting republican because, even though gas taxes pay for the roads I drive on, I don't believe it is something I should have to shell out for, I would rather my money go into the pockets of Corporate oil, so they can provide me with cheaper transportation on the roads I don't want to pay for.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. 
I'm voting republican, because my government will do a better job of spending AIG's money than they ever could.

I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.  I'm voting republican, because offending people is a right I believe everybody should practice.

I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq, I trust that the bad guys will stop what they're doing because they now think we're good people. 
I'm voting republican, because without a war-machine spending my money on a war sold to me on false pretense, our economy would REALLY be in the shitter (besides, those damn middle easterners will really appreciate democracy if we could just force them to accept it already!).

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. 
I'm voting republican, because even if there is a good chance global warming is real and it has the potential to eliminate civization as we know it, there's still a small chance that it isn't real, and damn if I'm going to give up my lifestyle because NASA says we're screwed.


I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.  I'm voting republican, because it is easier, though less cost effective, to put our tax money into prisons and prisoners (not to mention the cost to society in the form of crimes and drugs) than to put it towards helping underprivilaged kids get out of the cycle of poverty and crime.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit. 
I'm voting republican, because its hard to argue that deregulation could one day lead to economic collapse, besides, corporate America follows moral and ethical practices I believe in.  You honestly believe it is just about the money?! 

I'm voting Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.  I'm voting republican, because I believe the constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper, besides, rules are made to be broken!

I'm voting Republican because my head is so firmly planted up my @#% it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

'A Liberal is a person who will sacrifice what is necessary for the common good'
- William F. Carling -